• 01/23/2023

7 Things to Do When Bored at Home

things to do when bored at home - a photo of a bored young woman

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We’ve all been there, stuck at home when all our loved ones were busy with nothing to do. You may have already gone through your phone several times and are completely out of ideas to entertain yourself. Luckily, there are lots of things to do when bored at home to fill your free time. 

You may have different interests or skills than others and that is okay. Try to figure out what you would genuinely enjoy doing in your free time instead of doing it to pass the time. You may find a new hobby or passion when you explore things in your interests. 

Here are seven things to do when bored at home. 

1. Create a New Playlist

No matter what your daily life consists of, there is something you can make a playlist for. It could be for your drive to work, gym playlist or even softer music to fall asleep to. You can make it in your free time. If you already have a playlist, you can update it and adjust what you already have. 

2. Read a Book

This is the perfect time to crack open the book you got halfway through. You can check out new options and genes to see if you like one more than another. Reading a book is the perfect way to relax and stimulate your mind. A book can take you into a new world where time flies by without you even noticing. 

3. Try a New Recipe

The best part about filling your time trying a recipe is that you can learn something new and eat it. You can go online or ask a loved one for inspiration on what to make. You may find a passion for baking or cooking and inherit a new skill.  

4. Clean Your Home

This may not sound like one of the best things to do when bored at home, but it can make you productive and you can turn it into a party. Turn on some music and make cleaning an enjoyable experience. It can be anything from vacuuming, the dishes, makeup brush and more. It can be difficult to find time to keep your home clean, so utilize the time you have to tidy up. 

5. Take a Walk 

Sometimes the thought of being in your home can make you sir-crazy. Take a walk around your neighborhood or explore some trails. Getting outside in the sunlight can even boost your mood. There is nothing like fresh air and exercise to help you feel good while passing the time. 

6. Have a Self-Care Night

When life gets busy, you may put yourself on the back burner. You can pamper yourself with a nighttime routine or spa day when you have free time. Break out the face masks, nail polish or bubble bath to get a whole night of relaxation for yourself. You can treat yourself to a luxury spa night in the comfort of your own home. 

7. Go Through Your Closet

When was the last time you went through your closet and got rid of all your old clothes that didn’t fit? Now that you have free time, you can look through your closet and figure out what can stay and what can go. You may even find clothes that you forgot about and loved to wear. 

Cure Your Dullness With Best Things To Do When Bored at Home

Try out these options the next time you have nothing to do. You may even do more than one in a day which is double the fun. 

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