Natural Remedies • 02/25/2023
6 Aloe Vera Uses for Health and Wellness
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Aloe vera is an incredibly versatile medicinal plant that has myriad uses and benefits. Throughout history, people have experimented with aloe vera and experienced many advantages from its antioxidant and inflammatory properties. Let’s explore ways you can use aloe vera to reap the benefits of this fascinating plant.
1. Soothes Burns
Aloe vera is an active ingredient in many skin care products but has many uses straight from the plant. Aloe is a highly low-maintenance house plant that can come in handy for its purifying and medicinal properties. You can propagate aloe vera from a mother plant that grows pups for more aloe vera plants that you can gift to family and friends or use whenever you need.
Aloe is most commonly known for treating sunburns and comes in gels and lotions to soothe your skin. UV rays can suppress healing from burns, and aloe can remedy that. Set aloe plants in natural light and water them every two weeks for them to thrive.
2. Treats Cold Sores
Aloe vera’s antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties help expedite the healing process in cold sores. Aloe vera’s components, like vitamin B6, reduce pain and vitamin A reduces swelling, while the other active ingredients of aloe aid your immune system in healing the mouth ulcer. Aloe vera isn’t dangerous to ingest, so it’s safe to use on or around your mouth.
It isn’t advisable to consume aloe straight from the plant but getting a little in your mouth from applying it won’t hurt. Aloe is also found in some mouthwash because it reduces plaque, swelling and bleeding. Use aloe as a natural way to improve your oral health by looking for products that contain this fabulous plant.
3. Heals Wounds
Along with soothing first and second-degree burns, aloe often accelerates healing in other wounds. Its wound healing properties extend to minor scrapes to skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. Aloe increases blood circulation to the area that needs attention and promotes healing while reducing itchiness and redness.
Its ability to do this makes it ideal for bug bites and other rashes or skin conditions that itch. Aloe is also an effective way to treat acne naturally. You can incorporate it into your skincare routine straight from the plant or with a product that contains aloe vera for optimal skin health.
4. Moisturizes Hair
Another excellent way to use aloe vera is to moisturize your mane. Did you know you could use aloe on your hair? While it isn’t surprising with all the fantastic benefits from aloe, using it on your hair isn’t commonly known. You can create a mixture of aloe that cleans your scalp from dandruff and moisturizes your locks.
Aloe can perform various tricks on your hair, depending on what you add to the mixture. Coconut oil can aid aloe in moisturizing your mane and essential oils can help tame frizz. You can use aloe vera as a mask to detoxify your scalp or as a leave-in conditioner to nourish your hair from the inside out. Aloe can make your hair shiny, promote growth and alleviate itchiness on your scalp.
5. Fades Scars
Along with healing wounds, aloe vera can help fade scars. Studies should that aloe vera increases collagen and elastin fiber production in the skin. This can help reduce the appearance of scars, as well as inflammation.
You can use aloe vera for any kind of scar, but it is particularly beneficial for acne scars. Applying aloe vera to your face can not only treat existing scars, but it can prevent more scarring by reducing inflammation from acne.
6. Reduces Dark Spots
Aloe vera is also useful for dark spots and hyperpigmentation in the skin. As with sunburn and acne scars, aloe vera can brighten other uneven or discolored areas on your skin.
Hyperpigmentation can be caused by sun exposure, medications, pregnancy, acne and hormone disorders. While it’s not a harmful skin condition, you may not like the look of it. Aloe vera is a natural way to treat it with little to no irritation.
Uses of Aloe Vera
Who knew this alluring plant had so many benefits besides soothing your sunburn? With so many ways to use aloe vera, having it as an indoor plant could prove helpful. You could experiment with ways to use it to your benefit and minimize your spending by creating your own products.
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