Skincare • 02/12/2023
The Best Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

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Skincare routines are for everyone, regardless of identity or age. Everyone can benefit from taking care of their body, but you might find that your routine is a little different from someone with a different type of skin. Whereas dry skin needs moisture most of all, a skincare routine for oily skin might prioritize lightweight products. Your routine might vary from the standard, but that’s okay — the important thing is finding something actionable that works for you.
Why Should You Have a Skincare Routine?
Everyone should have a skincare routine, regardless of their skin type. Whether a person has dry skin, oily skin, normal skin or a combination, there’s a skincare routine that could benefit them. If you have oily skin, it’s even more important to take care of your skin both morning and night to keep a clear complexion. Oily skin is often more prone to acne, so it’s essential to use products that can help you break out less.
By sticking to a skincare routine for oily skin, you can reduce signs of aging and wear and tear on your face. Oily skin might technically be more hydrated than other types of skin, but you want to ensure that you control the oil enough to regularly remove the dirt, skin cells and other detrimental debris from your face. Building your personal skin routine is as simple as going through each step to see what fits best for you.
Step By Step Skincare Routine for Oily Skin
A skincare routine for oily skin doesn’t need to be complex. All you need to do is follow a few steps that work best with your skin type. Whether your face produces a lot of oil or just a little, these essential skincare routine steps can help you prioritize how to best care for your skin.
1. Facial Cleanser
One thing you likely know about oily skin is that it needs to be cleansed often. If you don’t wash your face, you’ll likely end up with acne, dirt, skin cells and so much more sitting on your face. Cleansing at night is essential, but you should also cleanse your face in the morning. You must eliminate anything built up while sleeping, such as oils or sweat. Plus, you want to have a fresh face to greet the fresh day.
2. Toner
Not every skincare routine includes toner, but you should consider it an essential step in yours, especially if you want to make sure your face is clear of any product. Toner is an important step in your skincare routine, as it can remove remnants of facial cleanser and help your next products absorb better into your skin, not to mention it helps balance your skin’s pH levels.
Using a toner can also help you reduce the appearance of any pores that oil has enlarged. Toner can get rid of any residue from other products you’ve used throughout the day, like cleanser or makeup. An exfoliating toner can help you remove dead skin cells on your face.
3. Spot Treatments
Your spot treatments, such as serums and other topicals, need to be ahead of moisturizer in your routine, as it gives them the chance to penetrate your skin and be more effective than they would be if they were applied over the moisturizer. Choose your spot treatments according to what you want to improve on your face.
Retinol is an anti-aging product that can keep your skin glowing and pores clear. You can often find it in an eye cream, which fights against wrinkles on your face’s most sensitive skin. These eye creams usually have a lower concentration of retinol so that they won’t be as harsh on your eyes. You can also use benzoyl peroxide products for acne-prone skin to slow oil production for future breakouts.
4. Moisturizer
Moisturizer is the one step everyone knows they need. You should use a moisturizer both in the morning and at night. It locks proper hydration into your skin, which can help it withstand cuts and tears, as well as time and aging symptoms. People with oily skin should look for a lightweight and water-based moisturizer as their go-to. If you’re prone to acne, look for special moisturizers that also help with acne control.
5. Sunscreen
Sunscreen is the most important product you can put on your face in the morning. It helps for several reasons, from cosmetic to genetic. You need sunscreen with a proper SPF to take care of your skin, which can help reduce your exposure to UV rays and lower skin cancer risks, as well as prevent early aging caused by the sun. Look for a mineral sunscreen, which sits on top of the skin to block the sun’s rays. You’ll apply it after all your other products but before any makeup steps.
Build a Routine That Works for You
A detailed routine won’t matter unless you can actually stick to it. In that case, your skincare routine for oily skin should be realistic, according to how much time you have and how you’ll hold yourself accountable to stick to it. Your skincare routine should be actionable for you, and you’ll reap the benefits of taking care of your skin. Sometimes, it’s best to start with a basic plan, then add steps in time as you know you can handle them. Taking care of your skin can only benefit you, so don’t be afraid to build your routine slowly!
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