Spirituality • 12/18/2024
How to Break a Negative Soul Contract (Updated for 2024)
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You meet countless people within your lifetime. As you move through the years, you meet people, briefly connect and go your separate ways. However, some people will touch your life in a profound, spiritual way and become connected to you, whether positively or negatively.
Some believe that meeting these people is not a coincidence but is predetermined. The concept of soul contracts explains that your connections with others are made even before you are born. But what if you are stuck in a negative connection? Is it possible to break a spiritual contract?
What is a Soul Contract and How Does it Work?
Soul contracts are spiritual agreements made before one’s birth. Your soul enters into an agreement with other souls, mapping out how your life will unfold. Your soul contracts determine the life lessons, events, challenges and opportunities you will face in your lifetime.
Soul contracts can be positive and enriching, but they can also be negative. Negative soul contracts involve challenging, difficult or painful experiences. These contracts are made to impart valuable lessons and help you better understand yourself.
To learn more about soul contracts, check out this video:
Can You Break a Soul Contract?
It is possible to break soul contracts. Some criticism of the concept of soul contracts is that they are determinist. Some feel like the belief system offers no free will, and people are bound to their destinies no matter what.
However, many believe that soul contracts are just guides. They are a framework that tells you how your life will play out, but they are not permanent. When you experience toxic relationships or get stuck in negative cycles, it’s a learning opportunity presenting itself. How can you successfully navigate these waters? While you may not like your circumstances, what can you learn from them? How can you shift the energy in a way that better serves you?
How to Break a Negative Soul Contract
There is no exact method as to how you can break a soul contract. However, some believe certain events or actions can help release you from one. Some believe an untimely death can break a soul contract, while others believe conscious actions can do the trick.
Here are some ways to break soul contracts:
If you believe you are stuck in specific cycles, recognizing your predicament is the first step to breaking out. Reflect on your life and relationships. What aspects of your life are you struggling with right now? Are you experiencing a difficult time in your life? Which relationships are giving you the hardest time? Think about what these soul contracts are teaching you.
For example, maybe you repeatedly find yourself in contentious relationships where you and your partner butt heads on seemingly every issue. Mindfully explore the deeper energetic message.
Perhaps you need to learn more effective conflict resolution skills. Maybe you need to work on your defensiveness — is it always the other person who escalates things? Of course, it could be that you need to avoid certain personality types for the sake of your mental health. Often, there’s a touch of truth in several possible explanations and more than one lesson to learn from each individual you have a soul contract with.
Conscious Intention
Once you recognize the negative cycles in your life, set a conscious intention to release the contract. Incorporate your intention through meditation, prayer, affirmations or other rituals. Focus on your desire to break free of the negative spiritual agreement.
Although it is your actions that bring about change, every behavior, conscious or unconscious, first formed as an idea, however briefly. Directing your thoughts in the direction you want the energy to go, towards breaking the negative soul contract, will often reveal the path you must take to successfully free yourself from unwanted entanglements.
Personal Improvement
Working on your personal and spiritual growth can help you create natural shifts away from negativity. When you constantly improve yourself, you can overcome the challenges that come your way.
Personal improvement can take place in a therapist’s office, but you can go the DIY route if you lack access to one. There’s a wealth of information available at any library and online. Activities you can do to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually include:
- Watching psychology and spirituality podcasts, gaining insights into your circumstances.
- Spending time journaling, putting those elusive but nagging thoughts on paper.
- Improving your physical health by cleaning up your diet and getting regular exercise and sleep.
- Engaging in a regular meditative practice, such as guided meditation, yoga or walking alone in nature.
Healing Practices
Engaging in healing practices can help you better understand and deal with the emotions tied to a negative soul contract. Some healing practices involve therapy, meditation or other spiritual activities. Once you put in the work and overcome unresolved pain in your life, you can also break free of negative spiritual agreements.
Escaping Negative Cycles
You might notice that you’re repeatedly dating the same toxic people. Or perhaps you see that your friend only comes to you when they need something, and you let them continue treating you that way.
These cycles can consume and suffocate you, which can affect your life. When you finally escape these cycles, you can break free of negative soul contracts.
Seeking Spiritual Guidance
Some believe seeking guidance from spiritual experts can help break soul contracts. You can turn to spiritual mentors and practitioners to help you recognize, understand and break negative soul contracts.
How do you Detect a Negative Soul Contract?
In some cases, detecting a negative spiritual agreement is the hard part. How do you even know if you’re in one? Here are some ways you can observe if you have a negative soul contract.
- You and another person cause each other pain, but you can’t get away from each other.
- You are codependent with another person.
- You constantly try to gain someone’s approval to no avail.
- You have intense emotional reactions towards another person.
- You feel drained when you are with a certain someone.
- Your problems with another person just repeat, creating an unending cycle.
- You have lingering resentment that you cannot express.
- You are going through recurring life challenges.
- You feel yourself falling into unhealthy and toxic patterns.
- You suffer from lingering trauma that you can’t deal with.
- You feel like life is teaching you the same lesson repeatedly.
- You feel an urge deep inside you to change your life.
However, try to avoid seeing these signs as a hard fact. Instead, use these signs as a guide to help you better protect yourself and understand your relationships.
Breaking vs. Resolving a Contract
Sometimes, soul contracts end not because they’re broken but because they’re resolved. Soul contracts can be positive, negative or neutral. Contracts don’t need to be negative for them to end. You can settle a contract when you achieve whatever your souls have agreed upon.
For instance, you may have experienced meeting a person who deeply touched your life, but only for a short time. You may have changed each other for the better, but you weren’t meant to be with each other for life.
This situation can mean that the soul contract between you has been settled. Your souls might have agreed on meeting briefly to improve each other’s lives, but no more than that.
Breaking Free of Negative Soul Contracts
There are many belief systems around the world that attempt to make sense of our lives and our experiences. The concept of the soul contract is one of them. Soul contracts offer you an insight into your relationships and life direction.
If you’re stuck repeating the same mistakes or letting the same negative people into your life, you can look into soul contracts and how to break them.
Originally published October 24, 2023. Updated November 19, 2024.
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