• 08/16/2021

8 Ways to Practice Self-Care on a Budget


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Everyone deserves a moment to themselves, even when their schedule never seems to slow down. Stress can keep you on your feet until you fall asleep standing up, but it takes a toll on your physical and mental health. Self-care is an easy way to combat life’s stressors if you know how to practice self-care on a budget. Try these tips to treat yourself without overspending on trendy products and fads.

1. Make a Separate Budget

Consider your current spending and saving habits. Can you put away a few dollars every month or are your finances locked up for now? Determining how much you can spend on self-care will help you figure out if you have a budget for new activities or if you have to work within your current routine.

2. Reflect on Your Lifestyle

Self-care looks different for everyone. If you’re always at work, you could find peace by listening to a meditation podcast on your drive home. A college student might prioritize taking breaks within their daily study sessions.

When do you need self-care the most and what would help your most frequent stressors? If you’re not sure where to start, write daily journal entries and reflect on them weekly. You’ll spot recurring struggles more easily and pinpoint the best self-care habits to deal with them in healthier ways.

A woman sits on a rock in a field writing in a journal.

3. Get More Sleep

Anxiety can keep people up at night and prevent them from getting eight hours of rest. Without sleep, your body can’t reset and create energy to keep functioning properly. Even if your stress level makes insomnia a nightly challenge, you can make a winddown routine to combat it.

Make a schedule that consists of putting electronics away or practicing deep breathing with the lights out. Whatever makes your mind slow down and relax—like a warm bath or chamomile tea—will help you sleep more regularly and feel whole when you wake up every morning.  

4. Talk a Nature Walk

Nature walks are a great way to practice self-care on a budget. They combine the power of nature with a bit of exercise. As you walk, physical movement eases common anxiety symptoms by lowering your blood pressure and relaxing your mind. The natural environment will also take you away from your daily routine. Reminding yourself that life is bigger than whatever troubles you is one of the most significant benefits of self-care.

5. Try New Forms of Exercise

You might have tried an exercise routine in the past and not enjoyed it much. There are other ways to enjoy the effects of exercise without strapping on your tennis shoes. Think about activities like yoga. You can practice it after dinner and use it to fight aging by adding it to your skincare routine.

Sometimes people dance to a song once a day in their living room or practice pilates in the backyard with a friend. Engaging your muscles is always good for your body and mind. It doesn’t even have to cost anything either.

A woman sits with her arms raised on a rock overlooking the ocean.

6. Put Your Phone Away

Your phone is how you communicate with friends and watch funny videos, but it’s also where your stress can originate. If email and text notifications make you groan, it’s time to put your phone away. Set an alarm or schedule breaks where your phone goes out of sight. Disconnecting gives you space to be by yourself and do something better for your mental health.

7. Clear Out the Clutter

Piles of dirty laundry and smelly dishes in the sink make people uncomfortable, even if it’s their mess. You’ll feel better if you declutter your home over the weekend and make your space more livable. Simple things like vacuuming, wiping down the microwave or throwing out old food in the pantry will make you feel more in control of your life and less on edge while you’re at home.

8. Meet Up With Loved Ones

Isolation damages a person’s mental health by fostering a mentality ripe for depression and anxiety. Ask a friend or family member to hang out or give you a call. Laughing with people you love will set your mind at ease and refresh your spirit. It’s self-care that only takes a few minutes to reset your perspective on life.

Try Self-Care on a Budget

Companies making trendy products might run convincing ads that make you believe that self-care requires spending money, but that isn’t the case. These are eight ways to practice self-care on a budget, but you can always add more ideas to the list. See what works for you by trying new habits until your stress fades away to a manageable level.

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