• 10/28/2019

8 Ideas for Beach Wedding Attire for Men

beach wedding attire for men

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With one in four couples choosing a destination wedding, it’s more than likely you’ll find yourself on a sandy beach — whether as a groom, groomsman or guest. And finding the right attire for a beach wedding with the perfect mixture of comfort and style can be tough. Whether you’re preparing to say your vows or simply plan to celebrate, follow the eight tips below for choosing the best beach wedding attire.

1. Keep it Light

While most guests can skip the suit at a beach wedding, even the most casual grooms and groomsmen should stick with traditional attire. The key to surviving the heat involves choosing a lightweight material that’s breathable, like linen, cotton or seersucker. Avoid dense materials that will make you sweat, like wool, corduroy and tweed.

2. Find a Good Fit

One mistake many men make with wedding beach attire is wearing tight clothing. While it’s nice to accentuate your body type, a beach wedding calls for roomier clothes that allow for maximum airflow. For guests, a breezy button-up shirt is an excellent option for staying relaxed while looking nice. For grooms and groomsmen, let your tailor know that you’ll be outdoors and would like a roomier fit to your suit.

3. Avoid Flip-Flops

If you’re wearing a suit, avoid flip-flops. They won’t match and are guaranteed to throw off your whole ensemble. Some alternative options for grooms are closed-toe loafers or boat shoes. Groomsmen and guests can get away with more casual options like fabric oxfords and men’s’ espadrilles.

4. Pick a Seasonal Color

You may think seasonal clothing only applies to women’s fashion, but all clothing — including men’s wedding attire — can fit within a category. It all comes down to which colors are best for the season. For a beach wedding, you want to stick with colors suited for spring and summer, typically light and airy colors. Guests are best suited to pastels like blue and pink. Grooms and groomsmen can try something a little more daring, like green or purple.

5. Make a Bold Statement

Beach weddings offer the perfect opportunity to showcase your style in a big and bold way. Choose a subtle print that accentuates the beach theme, like palm leaves or flamingos. Alternatively, you could opt for a statement pattern like woven fabric or pinstripes. You can easily mix the classic aspects of wedding attire with the fun and flair of the beach.

6. Choose Long Sleeves

While guests can get away with the right short-sleeved button-up, grooms and groomsmen should stick to long sleeves, especially when planning to wear a jacket or sports coat. If you find the right material and fit, a long-sleeved shirt won’t feel restricting during a day on the beach.

7. Lose the Tie

A tie can be restricting in the heat, making it hard to feel comfortable. So, when you prepare for a beach wedding, ditch the tie altogether. If you’re in the wedding party and neckwear is required, opt for a bow tie, which is smaller and less hassle. Or look for a tie made of knitted silk, as it’s more casual and lightweight.

8. Add Some Accessories

If you’re opting out of neckwear or want to accentuate your style, add a couple accessories to your ensemble. For the groom, consider a sophisticated pocket square or elegant boutonniere. For groomsmen, perhaps matching cufflinks with a wave design. And for the guests, celebrate in style with a pair of simple black sunglasses.

The Best Attire for a Beach Wedding

Don’t make the mistake of dressing too casual for a beach wedding. There are plenty of ways you can look stylish and elegant while still maintaining your comfort and having a good time. Follow the tips above to choose your perfect beach wedding attire.

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