Wedding Style • 09/16/2022
Why Are Wedding Dresses White? The History Behind the Tradition
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If you’re getting married, you might wonder why most wedding dresses are white. White is the color for brides, becoming a tradition over centuries and symbolizing a variety of attributes. Some enjoy the tradition, while others go against the grain. Whatever your choice, you might not realize why white is so prevalent for brides.
Here’s the history behind the popular wedding dress color.
Ancient Rome
Experts believe that the origin of brides wearing white reaches back over 2,000 years. During the Roman Republic, brides would wear white tunics as a symbol of purity. It also served as a symbol of Vesta, the virgin goddess of hearth, home and family. The tradition fell with the Roman Empire, and brides switched to wearing an old or reusable gown.
19th-Century England
In 1840, Queen Victoria went against the traditional coronation robes for brides. Instead, she chose a white gown to wear instead. The images from her wedding saw publication around the world. Brides soon adopted the color and style for their wedding dresses to imitate the queen. Instead of virginity and purity, a white wedding gown represented wealth and status. The industrial revolution’s dirt and grime prevented less affluent brides from wearing white.
These gowns weren’t the bright white many brides wear today, but cream and ivory. The brighter whites of today didn’t become the standard until decades later.
20th-Century America
Bright white dresses came into popularity in the 1930s, but they didn’t become the standard dress color until World War II.
Many soldiers came back from the front wanting to get married but the war led to a fabric shortage. The government issued the Limitation Order 85 in 1943, which limited dresses to 1 3/4 yard of fabric. The American Associated of Bridal Manufacturers fought back, lobbying for an exemption. They said the dresses boosted the country’s morale. They argued that soldiers deserved a traditional wedding.
Officials lifted the order but the industry still struggled. Disrupted trade routes led silk to be inaccessible. Since they could no longer get silk to manufacture parachutes, they used nylon. This led to the fabric supply diminishing.
Manufacturers used acetate to produce gowns. Some soldiers gave their parachutes to their brides when they came home so they could have a silk dress. Those cases led to “parachute weddings.” Once things settled down, white wedding gowns symbolized prosperity.
The Modern White Wedding Dress
Though brides have more wedding dress color options now, one in five women still prefers a white dress. It became a bridal uniform, with many sticking to the tradition. Some like the color contrast of a wedding dress on their big day, so they mix white with other tones. Others like to coordinate with the photos of their mothers’ and grandmothers’ weddings. Many like the traditional color, and how it identifies them as the bride.
Wedding Dress Colors Before White
Even before white became the standard, women’s choice of wedding dress relied heavily on color meanings. The positive associations with white drive many to choose it for their ceremonial attire. However, it wasn’t always the top pick.
In ancient times, women walked down the altar wearing bright colors to show their happiness for such a special occasion. In Ancient Athens, women donned red and violet wedding gowns. This trend continued until Medieval Times when blue, yellow, and green wedding dress colors were added to the selections. Blue became the crowd favorite because it represented purity. During the Renaissance, burgundy became a hit and became the apple of the eye.
Queen Victoria’s wedding dress in 1840 was the first time a white matrimonial attire was publicized. The intention for such a bold move was to showcase the stunning handmade laces throughout the dress. The dress’s exceptional handiwork led to the color being associated with wealth. Following this move, white became popular and was established as the standard wedding attire color. Its meaning has also changed over the years.
Modern Interpretations and Alternatives
Contemporary brides no longer base their wedding dress color on the shade’s meaning. Many wear white regardless of the nature of their relationships with their partners. White’s representation of purity and innocence has become less influential in decision-making.
Instead, today’s women view weddings as a means for self-expression, leading many to embrace different color options for that unique and personal flair. This choice excludes white. You’ll see brides in off-white or ivory attires. Blush is another top pick. While tradition considers black too somber for such a joyous event, it’s becoming a popular option for a dressier evening wedding. In short, color traditions hold less meaning in the bride’s wedding decision.
Sticking to Conventions
It’s OK to stay traditional when it comes to the wedding dress color option. Despite changing fashion trends, many still default to a white wedding dress for personal reasons. For instance, it’s a standing family tradition.
Some mothers preserve their wedding dresses for their daughters to wear on their big days. Since they carry memories and emotions, they’re sometimes considered heirlooms and passed down to wear from generation to generation.
Photographic appeal is another factor. Since white stands out against diverse backdrops and lighting, it can perfectly capture the magic and romance of the special occasion. The enduring popularity of white among modern brides is due to a mix of tradition, aesthetics and cultural expectations.
Choosing Your Wedding Dress
You should choose a wedding dress that makes you feel special, whether it’s white, black or rainbow. Nowadays, women associate their color choice more with personal expression instead of its meaning. That said, don’t let history or cultural expectations stop you from making your big day unforgettable. If it means wearing a black wedding dress will make it extra special, then do so by all means.
It’s a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for many brides, so pick a wedding dress color that perfectly suits your style and personality. Now that you know why wedding dresses are traditionally white, you can better decide if it’s the right choice or if breaking the norm is the best option for you.
Original Publish Date: September 16, 202 — Updated September 5, 2024
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