Home • 06/14/2023
Aesthetic Plants for Any Apartment (And How to Care for Them)

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Do you want to add some life to your apartment but you’re unsure of what greenery to choose? The most aesthetic plants are the ones that look good in any apartment, whether you choose an air plant, houseplant, succulent or tree.
Zebra Cactus
Although a zebra cactus (haworthia fasciata) has the word “cactus” in its name, it’s actually a succulent. It’s called “zebra” because it has deep green spikes covered in bright white lines. The contrast of the colors is eye-catching and blends well with a minimalistic color palette. Planting it in a white pot would emphasize its unique pattern.
Although it’s a succulent, it needs bright indirect sunlight because it shrivels when it gets too much sun. You should also water it only when the soil dries out completely to keep it healthy. It’s pretty low-maintenance, so it’s perfect for a decor piece.
Watermelon Peperomia
Watermelon peperomia (peperomia argyreia) is a houseplant with striking leaves resembling the fruit it’s named after. The leaves are small, round and come in varying shades of green with light pink stripes. It can grow long pink stems with green tips or stay short and bushier with pruning. It can bring a pop of color to any apartment.
One of the great things about this plant is that it takes little care to stay healthy and beautiful. It likes to stay relatively moist, so water it when the soil is about halfway dry and stop watering when the drainage holes at the bottom begin to leak. Also, keep it in bright indirect light. You can trim it to keep it shorter, as the bright pink stalks will grow toward the sun if you leave them alone.
Fiddle Leaf Fig
One of the most well-known leaf patterns comes from the fiddle leaf fig (ficus lyrata) because it’s simple and attractive. It’s technically a tree, so it grows bushy greenery from its thin trunk. The deep green leaves are incredibly large and somewhat shiny, making it a very aesthetic plant for any apartment.
Since it’s a larger plant, it’ll need a bit more maintenance than other choices. Fiddle leaf figs love light, so place it near a window with direct morning or afternoon sunlight to keep it happy. Water it weekly to encourage health and growth.
String of Pearls
String of pearls (senecio rowleyanus) is a name that accurately represents this succulent. It has long, thin stems covered in small, rounded leaves. Hanging pots are the best home for this plant because the strings trail and can grow very long. Its unique appearance draws the eye and can be the perfect touch to elevate a space.
Since it belongs to the succulent family, it basically loves to be ignored. It’s perfect for anyone without a green thumb because it can go days or weeks without watering and stay fine. It also loves warmth and bright, indirect sunlight.
Spider Plant
A spider plant (clorophytum comosum) is a houseplant with striking leaves. Its growth is somewhat bush-like, but it still works well in a hanging pot because the new growth trails. Each leaf is a bright green with thick white lines.
It’s one of the best choices for aesthetic plants if you’re gone often or can’t usually keep things alive. The roots are surprisingly thick and bright white, so the plant can withstand long periods without water. It can also tell you if you’re overwatering since they’ll turn brown with excess moisture.
Inch Plant
An inch plant (tradescantia zebrina) is an incredibly unique-looking houseplant. The leaves come in various purple colors with a silvery-green accent. Each one grows about an inch apart and has a teardrop-like shape. Depending on how you care for them, they can either be bushy or trailing. It blooms purple or white flowers during spring and summer.
To encourage growth, fertilize it two times every month during its growing season. Other than that, it requires typical houseplant care — it stays happy with frequent watering and indirect sunlight. You can use banana water as fertilizer if you don’t have the store-bought kind. It’s also incredibly easy to propagate since all you need to do is remove literally any part of the stem and put it in a glass of water for a week or so.
Burro’s Tail
Burro’s tail (sedum morganianum) is a succulent with a rope-like appearance. The teardrop-shaped leaves are rounded and bright green. Since light colors can be relaxing, it’s a good touch for an apartment with busy decor. A hanging pot is an excellent home for it because it grows fast and trails in a beautiful way.
It needs gritty soil with good drainage to stay healthy. It prefers a mixture of sand and soil, but coconut coir, fertilizer and perlite also work well. The best growing tip for a burro’s tail is to keep it relatively dry and in a warm, sunny place.
Its rounded leaves can fall off even if you’re gentle, but that’s a good thing because you can propagate them. Simply put them on a damp paper towel or bury them slightly in a soilless mixture and keep them moist until they root.
Majesty Palm
One of the most recognizable plants is the Majesty palm (ravenea rivularis) because it has unique and aesthetic leaves. They fan out from the thin trunk in large, separated lines. It’s a tropical touch that can look right at home in any apartment.
It prefers to stay somewhat moist, so never let the soil dry out completely. If you stick your finger in the pot and it comes out dry, it’s time for a plant bath. It also likes warm and sunny environments, so you can place it in a bright corner to encourage growth.
String of Hearts
A string of hearts (ceropegia woodii variegata) is a succulent with a charming appearance. Although there are a few variations, this specific variety has small, heart-shaped leaves with a bright pink border. The vines commonly grow to be two to three feet long and display dark green leaves with pink and silver markings. The inside is a deep green with small silvery patterns. While you can trim this aesthetic plant to keep it short and full, it naturally trails. With the right conditions, unusually-shaped pink flowers bloom along the stems.
Since it’s a succulent, you don’t need to care for it much. Let the soil dry out between waterings and place it in a warm room with plenty of bright, indirect light. It’ll still do well if you don’t give it much attention.
Capitata Peach
A capitata peach (tillandsia capitata peach) is a thick air plant that forms a sort of pinwheel with its leaves. It is pale green with orange-colored tips. It varies slightly in color, but the peach hue is always present. You can put it on any surface or hang it in a clear container anywhere in your apartment because it doesn’t need a pot or soil.
Air plants don’t have roots or need soil, hence the name. Instead of watering a capitata peach, you mist it up to three times a week and submerge it in water for up to an hour weekly. Once it’s done, turn it upside down to let any excess moisture drip out.
If it’s happy, it can also bloom. The base of the flowers is a pinky-orange and the top is a bright purple. They’re velvety and distinct in appearance. Once the bloom dries out, you can snip it off to encourage new growth to appear.
Bird of Paradise
A bird of paradise (strelitzia) is a tropical-looking houseplant. Some species can grow up to six feet tall, so it’s a great choice for a statement piece. The leaves are slightly oval and deep green. While they’re rather unassuming, the blooms are bright orange with purple highlights.
It prefers indirect light or part sun and a warm environment. If you have a part of your apartment that gets warmer than the rest, it might be a good place for a bird of paradise. You’ll want to water every week or two and keep the soil relatively dry in between waterings.
Swiss Cheese Plant
The Swiss cheese plant (monstera deliciosa) is recognizable for its unique patterns. It has a few large leaves that are deep green in color and have holes or notches on the sides. While types can simply look like Swiss cheese, this variation has rectangular spaces along the side of each leaf.
This aesthetic plant likes bright indirect light and some shade. Since it comes from tropical areas, it also prefers warmth. You can propagate a Swiss cheese plant by cutting a stem with a bit of new growth off and placing it in water.
Heartleaf Philodendron
A heartleaf philodendron (philodendron hederaceum) is an aesthetic plant with bright green, heart-shaped leaves. It grows very bushy and still trails, making it an attractive decor piece. Each leaf is somewhat small, but the shape is distinctive.
It’s happiest when it’s in indirect or low light, but it’ll grow faster in brighter conditions. Although it likes to stay moist, it’ll do just fine if you let the soil completely dry out in between waterings. It also grows fastest when it’s in a humid space.
The Most Aesthetic Apartment Plants
These aesthetic apartment plants can enhance your space no matter what look you’re going for. They’re vibrant, colorful and low maintenance, which makes them perfect as decor pieces.
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