Life • 03/04/2022
6 Lessons From Dating During the Pandemic
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Not everybody dated during the height of lockdown, though many people found their way to one another all the same! COVID-19 rendered some people more single than ever, while it left others with new marriages, babies and engagements! No matter what your COVID experience has been in the romantic sense, there are actually quite a lot of takeaways that you can apply to your dating life going forward, pandemic or not. The pandemic has made many people realize what they want. Here are a few lessons on how to do that even more in the future!
It’s Okay to Take Things Slow
No matter what your dating habits were before the pandemic, pretty much everyone had to take things slower. It was necessary, if for no other reason than health and safety. However, there are plenty of people who don’t normally like to take things slow, who might have been pushed out of their comfort zones by new limitations. The pandemic limited casual dating and put focus more on conversations. This has shown many that it’s okay to take things slow. You can get to know people on a deeper level before jumping into anything serious, especially if that’s what makes you the most comfortable.
Your Boundaries Are the Main Priority
When it comes to more casual dating — as in, going out, having a good time and socializing with someone in person — COVID has taught us that boundaries and comfort level should be the first thing to look for in any situation. Every city is different when it comes to COVID restrictions. Likewise, everybody has their own comfort level even within those restrictions. You may not be ready for indoor dating in person, mask-off and all. And that’s perfectly okay! If you don’t feel comfortable, you won’t have a good time. If someone pushes your boundaries, they’re probably not the kind of person you want to go out with anyway.
Try to Have Fun!
Okay, okay, enough with the heavy. One of the primary lessons that you can take away from dating during a pandemic is that it’s okay to let loose and have fun after all of this worry. Of course, it’s still important to be careful and follow the necessary precautions to keep yourself and others safe, but there’s something to be said for having fun within your comfort zone! In-person dating is on its way back, and you can let yourself have fun with it! Get dressed up, check out a spot you’ve been wanting to go to and maybe even offer up a smooch if that’s what you’re into. Dating should be a good time, not just a means to an end! Try to enjoy yourself. You deserve it.
Relationship Anxiety is Normal
If you’re already in a relationship, one of the things that the pandemic brought on for many people is the sense of relationship anxiety. Relationship anxiety can pop up in more established relationships as well as new ones. COVID has put people in tight quarters in many cases or pushed them apart in others. This can often cause a sense of relationship anxiety both around to be present moment and about the future. However, this can actually be fairly normal, and it’s okay to recognize that in times of stress, your relationship might be a venue for that to unfold.
A Bit More Space Can Be Healthy
For those of us who started new relationships during the pandemic or didn’t jump right into anything quickly, the pandemic has definitely been a lesson in the value of personal space and personal time. By giving yourself time to let things unfold naturally, can you can do a better job at reflecting on your own needs and desires so that you come into a relationship prepared. Additionally, for those who were in more serious relationships during the pandemic, the value of space definitely can’t be understated.
You Don’t Need to Settle
Although the pandemic definitely saw many people getting engaged, married or entering into new relationships, plenty of people stayed single all throughout lockdown. If there’s one lesson that everybody should take away from the pandemic, it’s that you don’t need to settle for anything less than what you want in order to find companionship.
Dating During the Pandemic
Dating during the pandemic has definitely been a wild ride, but it also offered many lessons that you can take with you into the future of your romantic life. Remember, dating should be fun, comfortable and exciting. You never need to settle, and your boundaries are the most important thing. Did you end up in a pandemic relationship? Or are you just starting to date now in our post-lockdown world.
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