Fashion • 11/18/2022
Where to Sell Clothes: 5 Best Places to Clear Out Your Closet
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Cleaning your closet to be better organized or make room for new clothing items can be liberating. It can bring you joy if you want to make extra money or aim to live a minimalist lifestyle. Selling your clothing can be profitable if you go about it correctly. Here are some factors to consider when listing and where to sell clothes online.
Things to Consider
A clean environment can help you maintain healthy living practices and boost your mental health. Decluttering your closet is an excellent place to start. There are a few factors to consider when clearing your closet and selling clothes online. Determine if your items are worth listing by examining them for stains, tears or holes. You’ll also make a better profit if your clothing is in season when you list it for sale.
Use a shipping calculator to determine if you will profit from selling the item before listing it on one of these sites. You may need to spend some money on supplies, like high-quality mailers, and pay for shipping, so take those costs into account.
When you’re ready to list, take quality photos and write enough details in your description to entice buyers. People will be less likely to purchase your clothing if they need to ask questions about it, so ensure it’s all there for them to view.
1. Poshmark
Poshmark is on point with its gently used clothing game. It asks plenty of questions for listers to ensure buyers know what they’re purchasing when ordering. This app primarily focuses on women’s clothing and handbags but also accepts men’s and children’s listings.
Poshmark allows buyers to make offers on items for sale, so it’s a great place to list things you’re willing to negotiate. Apparel less than 5 pounds ships for $7.45, which the buyer pays for when they purchase from the app.
2. ThredUp
ThredUp is here to help you clean your closets and make room for your capsule wardrobe or new clothing items. This site is an online consignment store where you can resell at a reasonable price for the buyer. It’s very convenient, but that convenience comes at a cost.
ThredUp sends you an empty bag to fill up with items you want to get rid of and a mailing label to send it to them for free. It also handles the descriptions and photos for your items, making this the most accessible app to generate sales for busy bees. Just fill up your bag and send it to them to post and sell your items.
3. Mercari
Mercari has a built-in customer base, since it’s been selling gently used clothing to over 50 million users since 2014. The site will send you a postage label once your item sells, but you must take the photos, write the descriptions and list your items.
Mercari also has a way to shop locally and has enlisted Uber drivers to deliver goods and exchange items with Mercari Local. It allows you to list items for free but charges 10% when a sale is complete. It’s a user-friendly app that requires minimal effort on the seller’s part, and you can list accessories like handbags in addition to articles of clothing.
4. eBay
eBay is an excellent platform for selling household items, tech gadgets, clothing and more. It might not be the first app that comes to mind when you’re looking to sell your clothes, but it can prove worthwhile, especially if you are listing other items on the site. Instead of throwing out used things or donating them, consider listing them on eBay to see if they’ll sell.
You can list 100 items for free, and then it’s 30 cents per piece after you reach the quota. You can set the shipping fee to pay for it yourself or leave it up to the buyers. This app is ideal for negotiable prices since it allows users to bid on items and sells to the highest bidder.
5. Depop
Depop is a less-known app for selling clothing, but don’t overlook this platform. The app features name-brand clothing at affordable prices. This app is similar to social media sites and gives the same feel as Instagram, so it’s easy to navigate for Insta fans.
You can use hashtags and product descriptions to list items, similar to how you post photos on your Insta page. You can swap items with sellers or list pretty much anything for sale on Depop. There is a 10% commission on this app that includes shipping fees when you sell items. You can link your social media accounts and Paypal to receive funds from your sales.
Where to Sell Clothes When Clearing Out Your Closet
Whether you donate your clothing or sell it for extra cash, clearing out your closet has myriad benefits. If you want to sell, try some of these sites to rake in profits or swap your clothes for new-to-you items. These apps make selling your clothing online so simple.
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