• 02/27/2023

How To Use Tea Tree Oil for Acne


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It can be challenging to combat acne, especially if you have sensitive skin. Finding a product that won’t irritate your complexion while still doing the job you want it to can seem impossible. Once you learn how to use tea tree oil for acne, you’ll be so grateful this natural ingredient exists. 

How Does It Work?

Tea tree oil is a natural anti-inflammatory that slowly works to kill off bacteria with its antibacterial properties. Tea tree oil has various uses, from acne to dandruff to insect bites. It derives from Australian tea tree leaves and can be found in many beauty products, like skin care and shampoos. Tea tree oil can decrease bacteria on the skin’s surface that lead to breakouts. Tea tree oil effectively treats inflammatory and noninflammatory breakouts, targeting red bumps and black and whiteheads. 

How To Use Tea Tree Oil for Acne 

Ensure to dilute this essential oil before you apply it to your skin. You can dilute the oil with other oils like olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil or water. You can also mix it with your moisturizer or other skin care products to dial it down. Do a patch test to see how your skin reacts to the aromatic oil before you apply it to breakouts or mix it into your products. 

Since it has such a high concentration, it can cause further irritation to sensitive skin, so you want to take necessary precautions before applying it to larger areas of the skin. To use the oil as a spot treatment, get a cotton ball or cutip saturated with water and apply a small dot of essential oil before applying it to your pimples. This oil has a strong smell that isn’t desirable, but it can work wonders for acne–so the scent could be worth it to you. 

Benefits of Using Tea Tree Oil

One of the primary benefits of using tea tree oil is that it doesn’t clog your pores as many other essential oils can. Tea tree oil is compared to benzoyl peroxide regarding its antibacterial properties. 

Tea tree oil works slower but has fewer side effects like irritation and dryness. Tea tree oil is anti-fungal and anti-viral, making it an excellent tool for combating bacteria and facilitating healing. Applying this essential oil twice daily can significantly reduce acne lesions. Although it may take four to eight weeks, it’s worth the wait. 

It only takes a few days to clear up acne symptoms, though. Due to the irritation tea tree oil can cause, don’t apply it right before you go outdoors–it doesn’t react well to the sun. You should also take precautions if you have eczema or psoriasis. Some believe that you shouldn’t use tea tree oil if you have eczema, but it can be more effective than some creams for treatment. 

Treating Acne with Natural Ingredients

Learning how to use tea tree oil for acne can be a game-changer. It’s an all-natural alternative to acne treatments that can elevate your skin care. Plus, it’s inexpensive, so it doesn’t hurt to try it. You may find its properties become your saving grace. 

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