• 02/01/2021

What Do The Nine Enneagram Types Mean?

The Nine Enneagram m Types Explained

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People debate how their personalities form using the nature vs. nurture method, but you can discover more about yourself with a much more straightforward approach. The Enneagram is a nine-point structure that demonstrates the interconnectedness of character traits, all while pointing to your main personality driver. Unlike your birth chart, which relies on the astrology of your birth to determine your compatibility with others, the Enneagram focuses more on your personality. These are the nine enneagram types explained, so you can get in touch with your spirit and get further along in your self-development journey.

What’s My Type, and What Does It Mean?

To figure out what your enneagram type is, you can take a quiz online. The test asks you to agree or disagree with statements based on how well they describe your personality. For example, would you say, “I strive for perfection” is accurate or inaccurate to your personality?

Once you get your results, you can dive deeper into what your type means. Here are the nine personalities explained.

Two people laughing while looking at a tablet.

1. The Reformer

Reformers are Type Ones, which means they have an unwavering sense of right and wrong. You’re always ready to take on problems and find solutions if it means establishing justice and peace. However, you’re also afraid of being wrong because you’re all in on whatever you do.

You justify your actions to yourself and others, recognizing that everything you do stays true to your principal beliefs. Some people may see you as rigid, but you feel bursting with passions and ideas.

2. The Helper

Helpers want to be loved above all things because they fear being unwanted. This motivation translates into a generous, empathetic heart that’s always willing to go above and beyond in helping people. Your heart could overshadow your own needs, driving your mental and emotional health into the ground.

Type Two Helpers must learn to take care of themselves to better help the people around them. Only then can they face their fear of worthlessness and find true value in what they do.

3. The Achiever

Achievers also have a fear of being worthless, but they combat it by pushing themselves to try new things and break new records. You might work an intense job or have multiple jobs at once. You could feel held back if you aren’t adventuring as a couple or celebrating another success. Everyone needs affirmations and encouragement, but Type Threes may avoid acknowledging their feelings to push forward with their definition of success.

4. The Individualist

Type Four Individualists are creative spirits, embracing their feelings to learn more about how they stand out from the crowd. At their best, they call themselves romantics and explore new facets of their personality. At their worst, Individualists may feel lonely or broken in some way. 

They shy away from their good qualities, fearing that acknowledgement might mean letting go of a victimhood aspect of their identity. The ability to grow into stronger versions of themselves is always within reach if they’re ready to try.

5. The Investigator

Some may think that Type Five people would jump into problems to learn more, but Investigators are more secretive and perceptive. As curious thinkers, they always try to see things in a new light to prevent their worst fear from becoming real. They don’t want to feel useless or dependent on others.

They shy away from their good qualities, fearing that acknowledgment might mean letting go of a victimhood aspect of their identity. The ability to grow into stronger versions of themselves is always within reach if they’re ready to try.

A woman smiling holding a bag and a laptop.

6. The Loyalist

You might be a Type Six Loyalist if you’re known for working hard and always being trustworthy. You never let your teammates down at work or school, but you also struggle with anxiety and self-doubt. It’s challenging to balance responsibilities like keeping your house clean with engaging in self-care habits, like relaxing. Once you get in touch with your emotional needs or insecurities, you’ll find serenity while accomplishing what you love to do.

7. The Enthusiast

Enthusiasts are optimistic, extroverted and a bit scattered. You hone an intense focus on something when you have a goal, resulting in mild perfectionism. Staying occupied makes you excited if it also supports your freedom and helps you experience life to the fullest.

Type Sevens have a cheerful determination to do whatever fascinates them, but sometimes you wonder if your time was worth it. You might not feel sure what you excel at if you’re good at most things. Balancing your curiosity and focus leads to a lifetime of achievements, as long as you stay in touch with your essential needs. Don’t forget to release your anxiety and take care of every relationship you hold close to your heart.

8. The Challenger

You might be a Challenger if you’re the life of the party and the center of your social groups. Type Eights are self-confident and assertive in social settings. You might come off as domineering without intending to. Challengers fear being controlled by others, so they’re motivated by what gives them more control over their destiny.

Type Eight people develop a strong will and sense of persistence early in childhood. Whether you manage a workplace or start a garden, you enjoy being in charge of what you do. It’s a strength that other enneagram types strive to achieve, but don’t get so lost in industrious efforts that you forget to stay emotionally connected with your friends and family.

9. The Peacemaker

Youngest siblings may identify with Type Nine. Also known as the Peacemaker, this type is creative and finds fulfillment by using their creativity to keep the peace. Some might find you complacent, but you still have a strong moral code. You just prioritize compromises and harmony whenever possible.

Separation and loss are the Peacemaker’s biggest fears. When you feel uncomfortable or threatened, you might retreat into emotional daydreams or fantasies. When you’re part of a team under a great leader, there’s no limiting your excitement and sense of accomplishment.

Two women laugh with their arms around each other.

What’s Your Enneagram?

Now that you’ve read about the nine enneagram types explained, consider your personality. Think about how you respond to different environments and situations. List your goals or what makes you feel safe. You’ll eventually arrive at the enneagram type that leads your personality and the other types that support it.

What's Your Enneagram Type?

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