Wellness • 05/31/2021
Everything You Should Know About Gut Health
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Everyone has different habits they use to feel their best. You might exercise every week or take a daily vitamin, but you should also keep track of your gut. This is everything you should know about gut health so you can fix any discomforts that keep you from feeling great and chasing your goals.
What Is Gut Health?
Many people go years without reflecting on their gut. As long as you can eat your favorite foods, doesn’t that mean that everything’s fine? Maintaining your gut health is more complicated than remembering swapping comfort food with vegetables every so often.
Your body can digest and process food when everything stays balanced. Gut flora breaks down whatever you eat into regular bowel movements that should feel effortless. If you’re researching this topic because you’re not sure if your digestive system is on track, you might experience a few of the following symptoms.
What Are the Signs of an Unhealthy Gut?
Reflect on the past few days or weeks to see if you deal with these unhealthy gut symptoms. Depending on what you usually experience, there could be a few targeted solutions to make you more comfortable.
Frequent or Ongoing Indigestion
There are numerous signs of indigestion that could indicate poor gut health if they happen every day. After eating a small snack or full meal, you might live with continuous gas, gurgling stomach sounds or intense heartburn.
Unexpected Weight Fluctuations
When your body can’t digest nutrients, you might suddenly start losing or gaining weight. If you haven’t made intentional lifestyle changes to see those results, it could connect to your gut health.
Constant Uncomfortable Bloating
Experiencing some bloating after a night out with friends or a high-carb meal is normal. Constant bloating isn’t. It could relate to your diet and how it hurts your gut instead of helping it.
Skin Irritation or Rashes
Your gut health affects your skin, so it’s something to consider if you have frequent rashes, dryness or breakouts. In addition to using helpful homemade face masks and lotions, solving your gut problems could transform your skincare.
How to Improve Your Gut Health
Put an immediate stop to your unbalanced gut symptoms by trying these at-home solutions. A minor change to your routine could result in long-term relief.
Remove Added Sugar Foods
Sugar and added sugar sweeten many foods and even help preserve them. Even if you enjoy the occasional treat, the sugar increases your daily bloatedness by swelling the bacteria that try to digest it. Check ingredient labels and switch to food without added sugar to significantly reduce bloating and improve how you feel.
Lower Your Stress
Stress affects your mental health, but it also messes with your gut. Extended stressful periods make your gut barrier more permeable, causing additional inflammation by allowing bacteria to slip into your circulatory system.
There are a few ways to lower your stress, depending on what’s going on in your life. You could have an out-of-state move coming up and try new stress-reducing tips like getting moving truck quotes and creating a budget. You might also benefit from attending a virtual spa session where experts teach you to release your worries.
Think about your routine or what your future holds to pinpoint what causes your stress and find the most helpful ways to fight it.
Take a Probiotic
Your gut bacteria may be out of balance because you were recently sick or eat an unhealthy diet. Take a daily probiotic to reintroduce live microorganisms your body needs to digest food and process waste.
Drink More Water
Many digestive issues occur if you don’t drink enough water every day. Always keep a glass or bottle by your side so your gut can maintain the mucous that helps with digestion.
See a Dietician
Reconstructing your diet into something healthier can feel impossible if you’re not sure where to start. Dieticians can assist in forming healthy meals with targeted ingredients that soothe and support your gut.
When to See a Gastroenterologist
These symptoms are likely signs that your gut requires medical attention due to ongoing issues with your digestive system.
Blood in Your Stool
Sometimes there might be minor rectal bleeding if you experience constipation for a while. If you find blood in your stool or it comes out black, see a gastroenterologist right away. It may indicate early signs of colon cancer or another life-threatening diagnosis.
Intense or Debilitating Heartburn
Acid reflux or heartburn shouldn’t keep you from enjoying your routine. When the burning keeps you from eating, drinking water or sleeping, check with your doctor to see what’s going on with your gut.
Severe Abdominal Pain
Meals and snacks should never cause severe abdominal pain. You could have a blockage or other internal issues if this is a recurring problem.
Abnormal Bowel Movements
Regular bowel movements should occur up to three times daily, but everyone’s routine is different. You should contact your doctor if you rarely experience a bowel movement or use the bathroom frequently for unexplained diarrhea.
Boost Your Gut Health Today
Everyone should keep an eye out for these symptoms and possible conditions when thinking about their gut health. Striving to improve your health by adjusting your diet and lifestyle will give you more control of the gut symptoms that affect your daily life.
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