• 07/15/2022

Everything You Need to Know About Cleansing Grains Recipes

Everything You Need to Know About Cleansing Grains Recipes

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Many popular wellness products come and go with yearly trends, but cleansing grains have stuck around for centuries. They’re a simple, all-natural solution to skincare needs and could be precisely what you’re looking for. Check out this guide to learn everything you need to know about cleansing grains recipes and find the best solution for your beauty routine.

What Are Cleansing Grains?

People find cleansing grains when they want an organic way to improve their skin. The grains are tiny ingredients found in nature that provide gentle surfaces to scrub against dead skin cells. They may combine into a liquid mixture or make a muddy solution that’s more like a face mask.

Different Types of Grains

These are the foundational types of cleansing grains that will appear in nearly every recipe. Read about why they’re so good for your skin to determine which ingredients you want to try first.

Nuts and Seeds

Tiny nuts and seeds have enough soft edges to rub against lingering dead skin and whisk it away in a single use. If you make a grains recipe with seeds, your skin will also benefit from the omega-6 fatty acids naturally occurring in most seeds. The acids help skin cells form protective barriers after exfoliation, making the healing process much faster.

White or Brown Rice

Dried rice can also be a powerful exfoliating grain. Depending on the recipe, you may need to add more liquid ingredients if rice is a primary component. It will absorb liquid quickly, so it will need more of a liquid base for long-term storage.

Dried Old-Fashioned Oats

Old-fashioned oats are thicker grains that don’t soften as quickly as instant oats. They’ll withstand mixing and scrubbing before soothing irritated skin with their natural anti-inflammatory properties that make it great for people with eczema.  

A glass jar full of oats.

Ways to Use Cleansing Grains

Once you have a few grains in mind for your wellness routine, use them in these specific ways to get the most benefits from whatever recipe you want to try.

Create a Facial Scrub

Cleansing grains are popular additions to homemade facial scrubs. They’re gentle on sensitive skin across your cheekbones and nose while remaining effective at banishing dead skin cells.

Make a Body Scrub

You may have tried a charcoal body scrub to smooth your arms and legs, but cleansing grains can provide the same effect. Use them to scrub tough patches on your elbows and knees to feel super soft and confident in no time.

Soften Your Heels

Heels almost always have callouses. It’s what makes your shoes more comfortable and helps your feet withstand surfaces like concrete. If you want to get rid of your callouses for any reason, cleansing grains will remove them layer by layer to gently make them go away. It’s an excellent resource for anyone who can’t stand the scratchiness of sandpaper-like foot scrubbers or callous removers.

Benefits of Facial Grains

There are a few other reasons people love cleansing facial grain recipes. They immediately start benefiting from these effects — and soon you will too.

You’ll Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells

If your skin appears dull or discolored and you’ve tried a Himalayan salt scrub with no promising effects, cleansing grains can help. They’ll remove dead skin cells to even your skin tone and bring life back into your face, arms or legs.

You’ll Encourage New Skin Cell Growth

Your skin can’t form new cells when old cells block your pores. By exfoliating with cleansing grains, you’ll bring fresh blood flow to restored surfaces and prompt new cell growth after one use.

You’ll Avoid Chemical Ingredients

There are endless facial scrubs available in beauty stores, but they use chemical ingredients to get the job done. People with sensitive skin or eco-friendly lifestyles can avoid compromising their skincare routine by using cleansing grains as their primary scrub.

A woman sits in a tub washing her leg.

Ready to revitalize your skincare routine? Check out these homemade cleansing grains recipes that only take a few minutes to create in your kitchen.

Detox Clay Cleanser

You’ve likely heard about detox teas that have anti-inflammatory healing properties, but you can create the same effects with a cleansing grains recipe that uses charcoal and clay. Combine the following ingredients to make your scrub:

  • ¼ cup bentonite clay
  • ¼ cup powdered old-fashioned oats
  • ¼ cup kaolin clay
  • 2 teaspoons activated charcoal
  • Up to seven drops of your favorite essential oils

The ground charcoal will cleanse your pores of oils and impurities before clay and oats soothe your skin into a regenerative healing cycle. It’s best for people with oily or sensitive skin.

Sensitive Skin Exfoliation Scrub

Try a minimalist cleansing grains recipe if you’re unsure what your skin needs or have to work with a tight budget. You’ll only need these ingredients for a sensitive skin scrub:

  • 1 emptied chamomile tea bag
  • 1 tablespoon old-fashioned oats
  • ½ tablespoon of powdered coconut milk (for dry skin)
  • ½ tablespoon of powdered honey (for oil skin)

Combine these ingredients in a blender, food processor or coffee grinder and pulse until the mixture turns into fine grains. You’ll have an instant scrub that’s excellent for people with sensitive skin.

Bentonite Clay Cleanser

Bentonite is a powerful skincare tool that pairs perfectly with cleansing grains. It’s high in natural minerals that shrink large pores left behind by breakouts or eczema. Try these ingredients at home:

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 4 tablespoons bentonite clay
  • ½ teaspoon powdered vitamin C
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons powdered chamomile
  • 2 teaspoons calendula powder

After combining everything, you can place ½ teaspoon in your palm and add a few drops of water until it turns into a paste. Scrub the resulting mixture on your face, rinse and dry with a soft towel. You can always use more of this mixture as needed, but a small amount contains enough minerals to do a thorough job.

Anti-Aging Daily Scrub

Nobody enjoys sagging skin or new wrinkles. They may appear more quickly if dead skin cells hamper blood flow or the natural skin cell cycle. Use these cleansing grains to make an anti-aging scrub:

  • 1 teaspoon powdered milk
  • 3 whole almonds
  • 2 tablespoons brown rice

Add all ingredients to a blender or grinder and pulse into a fine powder. When you want to use this scrub, combine a small amount in your hand with rose water to exfoliate and tone your face. You’ll have a natural glow and tightened pores that reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Simple Rice Cleanser

Rice flour is another type of grain that can fight acne and skin discoloration. It also comes in a powdered form, so it won’t scratch against any skin that’s too sensitive for scrubs. Collect these ingredients to defeat breakouts and excessive oil:

  • ¼ cup of rice flour
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon camomile
  • At least 5 drops of tea tree oil

All the dry ingredients can blend in a grinder and stay fresh in an airtight container. Add a tablespoon or two of water with the yogurt and honey whenever you want to cleanse your skin.

Try a Cleansing Grains Recipe Today

Now that you’ve learned about the many benefits of cleansing grains recipes, try a few out at home. You’ll discover organic solutions to your unique skin care needs without paying for overpriced products with chemical-based formulas.

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